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The history of the Waterloo Boys of Southeastern, PA.


In the late 1980's - Bill Dreisbach had the idea of forming an antique John Deere ONLY enthusiast club.  Bill talked about the idea he had with 3 other of his friends - Larry Nead, Lawrence Waltman, and Otis Astle who all thought it was a great idea as well.  In the spring of 1990 the Waterloo Boys of Southeastern Pennsylvania were born.  The initial goal of the club was a simple.  Preserve and educate the history of John Deere.  The next goal of the club was to find a place to hold meetings and have events.  The group decided that Rough & Tumble Historical Association would be a logical place.  At the time, Otis Astle was the president of Rough & Tumble and pitched the idea to the rest of the board who were a little skeptical at first.  Otis and the rest of the guys knew they had a good thing going so Otis, as president, went to bat on behalf of the Waterloo Boys and the rest is history.  The Waterloo Boys are now a permanent fixture at the Rough & Tumble grounds including having their own museum.

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